Closet Expander

Closet Expander

Who says Robots can’t be domesticated.  In the never ending pursuit to show each and every use for Linkable Binder Clips we decided to go into the closet.  We love the color blue and we were happy to find three shades of blue.  If you still don’t trust a robot in your closet then you can always use the Kitty Clip or the Ultimate Clip.


If you are like us we are running out of room in our closets.  This not only gives you more room, but it also allows you to organize and categorize you cloths.  If you are feeling like it is a “blue” day then by pulling out only one hanger you can view 3 or more shades of blue shirts.  That is it for now.  Just know we are not done with our closet hacks. More to come soon.